What do you want to be when you grow up?
Ever since I could remember, fine arts has always been my silent passion.
Immerse Yourself into the Van Gogh Arts
Imagine Van Gogh, the immersive exhibition in Vancouver, BC was moving, thought-provoking and stunning.
60-day Social Media Detox
Pause, breathe, clear your mind and proceed.
Every Heart Has A Story To Tell
What started off as a motherly instinct to educate myself about caring for my daughter, has spawned into my passion for curating collections inspired by Montessori and Waldorf principles and sharing my life stories with you.
"I love you and I respect you."
Do you know what's more important than love?
Big Feelings & Small Feelings
This pandemic that we're all living through, is not only hard on us as adults, but it's especially harder on our children.