Every Heart Has A Story To Tell
Being a new mom, for weeks, I could not express the person that I had become, the emotional rollercoaster I felt inside of me, and unable to express my feelings. It makes more sense now.
I was becoming a whole new person.
And my self-love journey began from there. Looking back over the last few years, I’m amazed at how much I’ve learned about my strengths, the fears I’ve had to overcome and at the unconditional love for my daughter.
In the process of trying to give my daughter the experiences I’ve never had, I discovered the Montessori and Waldorf philosophies and I'm inspired.
Nothing is ever too late. What started off as a motherly instinct to educate myself about caring for my daughter, has spawned into my passion for curating collections inspired by Montessori and Waldorf principles and sharing my life stories with you.
What inspires you?