My 22-Months Breastfeeding Journey
Amongst the many struggles as a new mom, breastfeeding my daughter was the hardest!
It consumes you - let me tell you how.
First, I struggled to find the optimal nursing position (and thanks to my mom for her persistence, I finally figured it out!) And because my daughter got used to formula from the first few days at the hospital, I was determined to wean her off formula when we returned home (this took nearly 2 weeks). At times, I stayed awake through the night because I wanted to be ready to feed at any moment, sometimes every 1-2hours. And no matter how much I tried to pump, it just wasn’t for me, so it was all on me.
What made it so agonizing is that I couldn’t tell whether I was giving my daughter enough milk. All I knew was ‘breastfeed on demand’ and that’s what I did. Even after my daughter turned one, the thought of weaning made me feel guilty. Because I knew she wasn’t ready, despite how exhausted, painful and uncomfortable I got after a certain point. And some days, I myself was not ready to give up because the moments we shared while I nursed her was too special! So, knowing that my wardrobe, my body and my hormones (mood swings!) would never be the same again, I continued to nurse her (not exclusively) for up to nearly 22 months, for so many reasons (nursed her to nap and nursed her when she was sick and needed her go-to comfort). That was my breastfeeding journey, my gift to my daughter.
Yes, breastfeeding is challenging, exhausting and can be uncomfortable but I’m so glad I never gave up and in fact, it’s one of my biggest accomplishments! It’s a full-time job in itself, on top of everything else as a new mom. So yes, I’m darn proud of it. Some days, I stop to reminisce about the aches and pain, the challenges and the happy moments, where I embraced my daughter in my arms, until she fell asleep.
To be honest, whether it be breast, bottle or formula, as new moms, we’re all doing the same thing - nourishing our baby with goodness! So regardless of why and how long you chose to breastfeed, remember, while fed is best, fed is a necessity. Being informed, supported and empowered in your parenting journey is best so let's support one another - to each their own. You are exactly what your child needs. You are enough.