Canada Day, a day of learning and reflecting
What did you do on Canada Day?
For our family, today was a day of learning and reflecting.
My daughter watched a short clip of the ‘The word Indigenous, explained’ on CBC Kids News. She learned the Powwow fancy shawl dance moves on TVOkids. It’s never too late to start the conversation for our little ones.
As for myself, I registered for the Indigenous Studies course through the faculty of @UANativeStudies at the University of Alberta. The free 12-week online course “explores key issues facing Indigenous peoples today from a historical and critical perspective highlighting national and local Indigenous-settler relations,” from an Indigenous perspective. Check it out, you can enrol and join the course anytime.
As a settler, it is my responsibility to continue to educate myself and my family of the indigenous people’s journey and this native land’s dark past.
The word Indigenous - explained l CBC Kids News
National Indigenous Peoples Day | TVO Kids
Indigenous Canada Course | Faculty of Native Studies, University of Alberta
Celebrating Indigenous Peoples in Canada, a Learning & Activity Guide
#indigenouscanadaday #settlersociety #settlerstakeaction